Connecting Equatoria Together

The EBC service will develop material for broadcast to Equatoria communities in the Diaspora as well as providing coverage and sharing stories of over 1 million Equatoria communities in Refugee camps in Uganda, Kenya and DRC, who are displaced by conflict in South Sudan. The money raised will develop a functional EBC on Facebook and Radio services as well as supporting Equatoria community good causes in countries of refuge in Eastern Africa through Diaspora communities support materially, financially or in kind support.

Support community and citizen reporters in countries of refuge to provide a flow of information, stories and life challenges to share with the world and Equatoria communities in Diaspora, raise awareness on a range of issues facing communities caught up in conflicts or those forcibly removed from their ancestral lands, raise awareness about their human and peoples’ rights.

EBC Fundraiser

Equatoria Broadcasting Corporation service for connecting Equatoria communities in the Diaspora together on Facebook for a global audience.

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EBC Contributions

Click on PayPal to make payment of $100 amount in support of EBC:


Help EBC’s mission to inform, educate and entertain by becoming an author, editor or contributor.

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Equatoria Broadcasting Corporation service on Facebook

You can share ☝️ in your circle of friends and family to support fund raising for connecting Equatorians together globally through EBC and build it with your support to become the voice of the community on a global scale. Make EBC digitally inclusive beyond the Diaspora. RSVP Here