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— Click to Watch Live Panel Discussions on EBC here—

EBC hopes you will join us in the debate, to share your views and attend our virtual panel discussion of the current status of the R-ARCSS 2018 live on EBC for this coming Saturday 6, March 2021.

Once again, we’re delighted to host this live debate assessing the social, economic, cultural and political impacts, achievements and failures of RARCSS and RTGONU for South Sudan in general and Equatoria in particular.

What are your views on the recent assessment and press statements by IGAD and Troika on status of RARCSS, in.particular urging the parties to expedite establishment of Transitional Justice mechanisms, permanent constitution making and elections under the provisions of chapter V & VI of the RARCSS 2018.

No doubt as Equats, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day.

Collectively, as Equats, and from the premises of the RARCSS, is there any chance we can all help create an inclusive South Sudan?

From this challenge comes change, so what is the change and challenge for you?

How can you get involved?

Saturday 6, March 2021 from 20:00-22:30 we are hosting a live online panel discussion where we will be joined by a number of our distinguished team and colleagues from across Equatoria Diaspora who are passionate about Equatoria and its peoples’ socio-political future and current affairs.

We will be covering a variety of topics including the importance of state formation and constitution making, what challenges we as Equatorians have to overcome in our struggle to disrupt the dysfunctional SPLM and JCE system, and failed state in the first Republic of South Sudan, and how to repair the broken social fabric in the country in a new constitution and state formation process?

The event will be live on Facebook, so if you have or would like to ask questions, please join us on the day by subscribing or following EBC on Facebook: Https://

To participate in live discussions, you need to register by email on EPA website the URL to which is published on EBC facebook page and we’ll send you a calendar invite with all the details.

Places will be given on a first come first served basis. We’ll also be recording the event and sharing it on YouTube at a later date.

If you would like to pose any questions to our panel you can do so in advance.

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